
John 3:1-21

Everyone has a storyEveryone is in a different chapter in their personal storyMaybe God has revealed the Truth of who Jesus is to you.  You recognize He is different – He is exceptional.  Like Nicodemus…Maybe you believe and you have accepted Him as Saviour, but you are still holding your breath – you haven’t inhaled – you have trouble accepting His love for you and living the full life He has for you.Or maybe you find you are struggling with acknowledging Jesus as Lord.  You believe it, but it hasn’t been realized in the way you live.  You haven’t humbled yourself, and truly repented.  Jesus is waiting.Jesus doesn’t force Nicodemus, He doesn’t pressure Nicodemus to step out of the dark into the morning light.  He presents him with the truth, and leaves him with a decision to make. Whoever you are, whatever chapter you find yourself in in your story …Here is the truth ... its up to you if you to decide where the story will go from here?