If you are new and are looking to get connected, click "GET CONNECTED".
There are many opportunities to get involved and build relationships.
If its you're first time joining us come to the connections centre on you're right hand side to have any questions answered and fill out and hand in a Connections Card and receive a free gift.
WestWinds has the privilege of connecting people to Jesus and to one another. We’re a Christian community that strives to bring God glory. Our principal purpose on Sunday mornings is worship. We believe that focusing on God and His Word not only brings honor to His name, but also strengthens us as believers. As we sing together, pray together, and listen to God’s Word together, His presence is with us in a special way (1 Corinthians 14:24–25). We invite you to come and join us in worshipping our Savior, Jesus Christ. We look forward to meeting you!
Common Questions
What should I expect at the morning service? Every Sunday we gather for music, Scripture, and a message from the Bible intended to bring about transformation in our lives. We are, in effect, preparing ourselves to be ambassadors for Christ in the world. Information on how to connect at WestWinds is available at our Connection Center in the main foyer. Hand in your Connection Card and receive a gift.
Where can I park? Parking is free to those who attend our services.
What should I wear? All styles are welcome, and you’ll see people wearing anything from jeans to suits.
What is there for my children? Infants through grade 4. For more information regarding our Children’s Ministries, click here. Preteen (Grade's 5-7) Click here
Junior and Senior High For more information regarding our Youth Ministry, Click here
When do you celebrate communion? Our normal practice is to serve communion on the first Sunday of each month. We welcome all who profess the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior to receive communion—you do not need to be a member of WestWinds to participate. Our communion is also Gluten-free.
What if I need prayer? Every Sunday morning, Prayer Partners are available at the front of the sanctuary during the service to assist you with spiritual needs or to help you get connected with church groups and ministries.
How do I get connected with other members of the church? We at WestWinds recognize that our spiritual journey is done as a community and involves every stage of life. We strive to create a culture of connectivity and spiritual growth through our various classes and small groups. Our hope is that all who attend will feel like they belong, that they are valued and appreciated, and will form genuine friendships through the opportunities for fellowship, worship, prayer, encouragement, and support. Stop by the Connection Centre in the main lobby for more information, or check out the ministries and communities of the church by clicking on the Get Connected tab in the navigation bar.