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Update from Pastor Mark…
The PHO has brought in some restrictions for religious gatherings because of this new variant. What does this mean for WestWinds? Well, in short, absolutely nothing. We have been continuing to follow proper protocols even when we have had no restrictions and thanks to that, our protocols do not change at this time, they have just become, again, a public health mandate.
So, this is a friendly reminder that masks must be worn unless eating or drinking and social distancing are still important while attending WestWinds. The reason that we can continue as we have is because of our smart protocols, occupancy loads for gathering, and we don't require vaccine passports as to not cause division for those wanting to come to church. We continue to strive to make it comfortable for everyone to come to church and feel safe although we encourage vaccination.
Thank you for being amazing and we will see you in church this Sunday, in-person or online.
God bless you and keep you safe.
Pastor Mark